Equal Housing Initiative

Who we are

Who we are

Equal Housing Initiative is a non-profit organization founded in 2021 with the mission of promoting equal and equitable opportunities in access to housing.
We work tirelessly to fight discrimination and ensure that every person, regardless of their background, income or status, benefit from adequate and affordable housing.

Our mission

What make us different ?

Our mission is to relentlessly fight against housing discrimination and to promote social inclusion. We are committed to developing innovative solutions to address the housing challenges faced by vulnerable populations. We firmly believe that access to a safe, stable, and affordable home is a fundamental human right. Our mandate is to bring evidence-based best practice, advocacy, and practical support for the creation and sustainability of housing that is equal and equitable for all. We strive to ensure that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to live in a safe and secure environment.

At Equal Housing Initiative, we take a unique and multifaceted approach to addressing the housing challenges in our communities. Here’s what sets us apart:

Comprehensive Approach

We don't just focus on a single aspect of the housing crisis. Instead, we tackle the issue from multiple angles - from advocacy and policy change to direct service provision and community empowerment. Our holistic strategy allows us to create lasting, systemic impact.

Innovative Solutions

We are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to improve access to housing. This includes developing cutting-edge programs, leveraging technology, and forging strategic partnerships to deliver more effective solutions. We're not afraid to challenge the status quo and try bold, unconventional approaches.


At the heart of our work are the communities we serve. We actively engage with local residents, listen to their needs, and collaborate with them to design and implement programs. This ensures our efforts are truly responsive to the unique challenges faced by each neighborhood.